Friday, March 21, 2008
You've read the BS... now read the rebuttal
A few weeks back Francisco Rodriguez published an article in Foriegn Affairs magazine belittleing the changes under Chavez as "An Empty Revolution" which claimed to show that the Chavez administration hasn't accomplished much of anything, especially when the oil windfall it has benefited from is taken into account.
Even to the non-economist such as myself it appeared to have some pretty obvious flaws. First there were lots of assertions but little in the way of hard numbers and statistics. Some of the calculations seemed bogus as for example when he didn't realize that poverty statistics in Venezuela don't include in-kind benefits such as low cost food and health care. Others seem cherry picked as when he showed statistics that didn't cover Chavez's full term but rather only a sub-set of years or analyzing the health system based only on minor and seldom used health metrics.
But while I could sense the numbers weren't right it fell to the trained economists at the Center for Economic and Policy Research to show that in fact many of the numbers were either manipulated or just plain wrong. Their full analysis can be found here and really should be read by all.
Just to give a snippet of what they reveal, in Rodriguez's article he cliams that inequality, as measured by the Gini co-efficient, had gotten worse under Chavez. They did that by only looking at that co-efficient between 2000 and 2005 (even though Chavez came to office in 1999 and we are now in 2008). When the CEPR economists did what any rational person would do, look at how the Gini co-efficient changed between 1999 and 2007, they found that it indicated a very substantial DECLINE in inequality in Venezuela.
I wonder if the deans and other faculty at Wesleyan University are aware of what patently false and dishonest drivel their collegue, Dr. Rodriguez, publishes?
In summary, the authors conclude:
Even to the non-economist such as myself it appeared to have some pretty obvious flaws. First there were lots of assertions but little in the way of hard numbers and statistics. Some of the calculations seemed bogus as for example when he didn't realize that poverty statistics in Venezuela don't include in-kind benefits such as low cost food and health care. Others seem cherry picked as when he showed statistics that didn't cover Chavez's full term but rather only a sub-set of years or analyzing the health system based only on minor and seldom used health metrics.
But while I could sense the numbers weren't right it fell to the trained economists at the Center for Economic and Policy Research to show that in fact many of the numbers were either manipulated or just plain wrong. Their full analysis can be found here and really should be read by all.
Just to give a snippet of what they reveal, in Rodriguez's article he cliams that inequality, as measured by the Gini co-efficient, had gotten worse under Chavez. They did that by only looking at that co-efficient between 2000 and 2005 (even though Chavez came to office in 1999 and we are now in 2008). When the CEPR economists did what any rational person would do, look at how the Gini co-efficient changed between 1999 and 2007, they found that it indicated a very substantial DECLINE in inequality in Venezuela.
I wonder if the deans and other faculty at Wesleyan University are aware of what patently false and dishonest drivel their collegue, Dr. Rodriguez, publishes?
In summary, the authors conclude:
While is is usefull to discuss the imbalances in the Venezuelan economy and what might be done to correct them, there is little use in presenting such a grossly exaggerated picture of an economy as if it were on the brink of ruin, and pretending that Venezuela's poor have not benefited from the economy's most rapid expansion in decades, and from the government's large increases in social spending and programs.
The names behind the numbers
Here is a list of the trade unionists assasinated in Colombia in 2006. The number killed in 2007 increased and the list hasn't been compiled yet.
Just imagine if this kind of politically motivated slaughter were taking place in Venezuela - do you think Simone Romero would just ignore it as he does this?:
Go to the web-site and you can read all about the other cases of attempted murders, torture, death threats, imprisonment, etc.
Just imagine if this kind of politically motivated slaughter were taking place in Venezuela - do you think Simone Romero would just ignore it as he does this?:
Asesinatos: El 2 de enero, fue encontrado en el Municipio de Puerto Wilches, Departamento de Santander el cuerpo de Carlos Arciniegas Niño, amarrado y con visibles signos de tortura y con tres impactos de bala. Estaba afiliado al Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Industria Agropecuaria (SINTRAINAGRO).
El 4 de enero, en el Municipio Yumbo del Departamento del Valle, fue asesinado Armando Espinosa Misael, afiliado al Sindicato de Trabajadores del Municipio de Yumbo (SINTRAMUNICIPIO).
El 5 de enero fue asesinada Rosabel Rincón, en el Municipio de Villavicencio, del Departamento del Meta. Estaba afiliada a la Federación Nacional Sindical Unitaria Agropecuaria (FENSUAGRO).
El 8 de enero, en el Municipio Inza del Departamento del Cauca, fue asesinado Manuel Antonio Tao. Afiliado a la Federación Nacional Sindical Unitaria Agropecuaria (FENSUAGRO).
Ese mismo día (8 de enero) también fue asesinada Hortensia Neyid Tunja Cuchumbe en el Municipio Inza, Departamento del Cauca. Afiliada a la Federación Nacional Sindical Unitaria Agropecuaria (FENSUAGRO).
El 21 de enero, en Bogotá, fue asesinado Jorge Abril Parra, afiliado al Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Industria Metalmecánica, Metálica, Metalúrgica y Siderúrgica (SINTRAIME).
El 23 de enero, en el Municipio de Tulúa, Departamento del Valle fue asesinada María Isabel Fuentes Mejía. Afiliada al Sindicato Único de Trabajadores de la Educación del Valle (SUTEV)
El 3 de febrero en el Municipio de Riohacha, Departamento de la Guajira, fue asesinada Eneida Josefa Quintero Epieyo, estaba afiliada a la Asociación de Educadores de la Guajira. ASODEGUA.
El 6 de febrero fue asesinado José Giraldo Parra Osorio en el Municipio Puerto Rico, Departamento del Meta, afiliado a la Federación Nacional Sindical Unitaria Agropecuaria (FENSUAGRO).
El 13 de febrero, en el Municipio Sincelejo, Departamento Sucre, fue asesinado Arturo Santos Guzmán, afiliado a la Asociación de Educadores de Sucre (ADES).
El 23 de febrero, fue encontrado el cuerpo sin vida del educador Guillermo Zemanate Bermeo, en el Municipio de Popayán, Departamento del Cauca. Se encontraba desaparecido desde el 14 de febrero. Estaba afiliado a la Asociación de Institutores del Cauca (ASOINCA) y trabajaba en la Institución Educativa "El Túnel, del Municipio de Cajibio, Cauca.
El 27 de febrero, fue asesinado Giovanny Toloza García, en el Municipio Saravena, Departamento del Arauca, afiliado al Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Industria de la Carne. SINTRACARNE.
El 2 de marzo, en el Barrio El Cincuentenario, Municipio de Barrancabermeja, Departamento Santander, fue asesinado por un sicario, Héctor Diaz Serrano, cuando se dirigía a su centro de trabajo.
El 2 de marzo, en el Municipio Salamina, Departamento de Caldas, fue asesinado Jhon William Vásquez Vargas, afiliado a la Asociación Sindical de Empleados del Instituto Nacional Penitenciario y Carcelario (ASEINPEC).
El 6 de marzo, fue asesinado Samuel Manrique Pérez, en el Municipio Puerto Asís, Departamento Putumayo, afiliado a la Federación Nacional Sindical Unitaria Agropecuaria (FENSUAGRO).
El 7 de marzo, en el Departamento del Arauca, fue asesinada Luz Marina Farias Rodríguez, afiliada a la Asociación de Educadores del Arauca
El 8 de marzo, en el Municipio Puerto Santander del Departamento Norte de Santander fue asesinado William Rafael Ortiz Cárdenas, afiliado a la Asociación Sindical de Institutores Nortesantandereanos (ASINOR).
El 14 de marzo, fue asesinado Derly Narváez en el Municipio Florencia del Departamento del Caquetá, afiliado a la Asociación Nacional de Trabajadores/as y Empleados de Hospitales, Clínicas, Consultorios y Entidades Dedicadas a la Protección de la Salud (ANTHOC).
El 22 de marzo, fue asesinado Norberto Castillo Romero en el Municipio Santa Catalina, del Departamento Bolívar, afiliado al Sindicato Único de Educadores de Bolívar. (SUDEB).
El 25 de marzo, fue asesinado Harvey Jovanny Morales Guevara, en el Municipio Ciénaga del Departamento Magdalena, afiliado al Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores/as de la Industria Minera y Energética (SINTRAMIENERGETICA).
El 28 de marzo, fue asesinado Max Villa García en el Municipio Barranquilla del Departamento Atlántico, afiliado a la Asociación de Educadores Distritales de Barranquilla (ADEBA).
El 30 de marzo, fue asesinado Arselio Peñas Guatico, en el Departamento del Chocó, afiliado a la Unión de Maestros del Chocó (UMACH).
El 1 de abril, fue asesinado en el Departamento de Chocó, Jhon Jairo, afiliado a la Unión de Maestros del Chocó (UMACH).
El 2 de abril, en la noche, fue asesinado Daniel Cortez Cortez, mientras se encontraba desempeñando sus labores como trabajador de la Electrificadora de Santander en el Corregimiento Las Montoyas, Municipio de Puerto Parra. Unos sujetos le dispararon varios tiros que provocaron su muerte inmediata. Afiliado al Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Electricidad de Colombia (SINTRAELECOL).
El 8 de abril, fue asesinado Edgar de Jesús Rave Serna, en el Departamento de Antioquia, afiliado a la Asociación de Institutores de Antioquia (ADIDA).
El 11 de abril, fue asesinada Hermelinda Lozano Plata Hermelinda, en el Departamento de Valledupar, afiliada a la Asociación de Educadores del César (ADUCESAR).
El 11 de abril, en el Municipio Coyaima, Departamento de Tolima, fue asesinado Henry Pérez Díaz, afiliado al Sindicato Unitario de Trabajadores de de la Construcción, SUTIMAC.
El 23 de abril 2006, apareció el cuerpo en total estado de descomposición, de Jaime Enrique Gómez Velásquez, ex Presidente del Sindicato de Teléfonos de Bogotá. Se encontraba desaparecido desde el 21 de marzo de 2006.
El 23 de abril, fue asesinado Alvaro Garnica Diaz, en el Municipio Montería, Departamento de Córdoba, afiliado a la Asociación de Maestros de Córdoba (ADEMACOR).
El 25 de abril, fue asesinado Marlos Cuadros Beltrán Marlon en el Municipio Cartagena, Departamento Bolívar, afiliado al Sindicato de Conductores de Taxis de Cartagena (SINCONTAXCAR).
El 29 de abril, en el Municipio Arauquita, Departamento del Arauca, fue asesinado Nelson Martínez, afiliado al Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Industria de la Construcción. (SINDICONS).
El 26 de mayo, en el Departamento de Cundinamarca, fue asesinada Gilma Serrato. Afiliada a la Asociación de Educadores de Cundinamarca (ADEC).
El 2 de junio, en el Municipio Yarumal, Departamento de Antioquia, fue asesinado Julio Enrique Vergara Adarve, afiliado a la Asociación de Institutores de Antioquia (ADIDA).
El 6 de junio de 2006, fue encontrado el cuerpo sin vida de Luis Antonio Arismendi Pico, en el Municipio de Zipacón, Departamento de Cundinamarca, quien se encontraba desaparecido desde el 28 de abril de 2006, luego de salir de su lugar de trabajo en Bogotá, junto con la Sra. Belquis Dayana Goyeneche, quien también desapareció. Era Presidente del Sindicato "Manuela Beltrán" de Trabajadores/as y Expendedores de Alimentos y Bebidas de la Plaza de Mercado del Barrio San Francisco (SINDIMANUELABELTRAN).
El 7 de junio, en el Municipio de Medellín, Departamento de Antioquia, fue asesinado Mario de Jesús Giraldo Aristizabal, afiliado a la Asociación de Institutores de Antioquia (ADIDA).
El 14 de junio, en el Departamento de Antioquia, fue asesinado William Fabio Carrillo Salinas. Afiliado a la Asociación de Colocadores de Apuestas Permanentes y Loteros de Antioquia (ASCAPLAN).
Ese mismo día (3 de julio) también fue asesinado Iván Ñañez, en el Municipio San Pablo, Departamento Nariño, afiliado al Sindicato de Trabajadores/as del Magisterio de Nariño (SIMANA).
También el 3 de julio, fue asesinado Humberto Navarro Ribon, en el Municipio de Valledupar, del Departamento Cesár, afiliado a la Asociación de Educadores del Cesár (ADUCESAR).
El 6 de julio, fue encontrado muerto el profesor Francisco Ernesto García, en el Municipio Samaniego, Departamento Nariño, afiliado al Sindicato de Trabajadores del Magisterio de Nariño (SIMANA).
El 6 de julio, fue encontrado el cuerpo de Efrén Alonso Motta Acosta, en el Municipio Samaniego, Departamento Nariño. Se encontraba desaparecido desde el 27 de junio de 2006. Afiliado al Sindicato de Trabajadores del Magisterio de Nariño (SIMANA).
El 12 de julio, fue asesinado Helber Orozco Pinzon en Bogotá Departamento de Cundinamarca, afiliado a la Asociación de Educadores de Cundinamarca (ADEC).
El 23 de julio, fue asesinado en el Municipio Barrancabermeja, Departamento Santander, Jorge Guillén Leal. Trabajaba en la empresa Fertilizantes de Colombia S.A. y formaba parte de la junta directiva del Sindicato Nacional de la Industria Química, Agroquímica, Gases, Ramas Afines y Derivados (SINTRAINQUIGAS).
El 23 de Julio, en el Guadual, Departamento de Nariño fue encontrado muerto, Luís Hernando Chirán quien presentaba signos de tortura. Estaba desaparecido desde el 17 de julio de 2006. Afiliado al Sindicato de Trabajadores del Magisterio de Nariño (SIMANA).
El 25 de julio, fue asesinada en el Municipio Cali, Departamento del Valle, Maria Leticia Garcés Franky, afiliada al Sindicato Único de Trabajadores de la Educación del Valle (SUTEV)
El 27 de julio, fue asesinado, en el Municipio Barranquilla, Javier Pedroza de la Hoz, afiliado a la Asociación de Educadores del Atlántico (ADEA).
El 5 de agosto, fue asesinada Luz Marina García Martínez, en el Municipio Puerto Asís, Departamento Putumayo, afiliada a la Asociación de Educadores del Putumayo (ASEP).
El 11 de agosto, fue asesinado Osvaldo Rodríguez Morales, en el Municipio Cartagena, Departamento Bolívar, afiliado al Sindicato de Conductores de Taxis de Cartagena (SINCONTAXCAR).
El 12 de agosto, fue asesinada Adelaida Ortiz, en el Municipio Ricaurte, Departamento Nariño. Afiliada al Sindicato de Trabajadores del Magisterio de Nariño (SIMANA)
El 17 de agosto, fue asesinado Fabio Martínez Rincón, en el Departamento Norte de Santander. Afiliado a la Asociación Sindical de Institutores Nortesantandereanos (ASINORT).
Ese mismo día (17 de agosto) fue asesinado en el Municipio de Barrancabermeja, Departamento de Santander, Carlos Arturo Montes Bonilla, afiliado al Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Industria de Alimentos (SINALTRAINAL).
El 19 de agosto, fue asesinada Berta Inés Agudelo Valencia, en el Municipio Nariño, Departamento de Antioquia. Se desempeñaba como Secretaria de Asuntos de la Mujer y la Familia de la Subdirectiva Municipal de la Asociación de Institutores de Antioquia (ADIDA).
El 22 de agosto, en el Municipio Arauca, Departamento del Arauca, fue asesinado Orlando Antonio Hernández, afiliado al Sindicato de Trabajadores del Municipio de Palestina (SINTRAPALESTINA).
El 2 de septiembre, en el Municipio Arauquita, Departamento del Arauca, fue asesinado Ismael Monsalve Suárez, afiliado al Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Alcaldía Municipal (SINTROEPAR).
El 4 de septiembre, en el Municipio Santander de Quilichao, Departamento del Cauca, fue asesinado Luís Eduardo Cosme Taquinas, afiliado al Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Electricidad de Colombia (SINTRAELECOL).
El 5 de septiembre, en el Departamento del Arauca, fue asesinado Germán Solano, afiliado a la Asociación de Educadores del Arauca (ASEDAR).
El 10 de septiembre, en el Municipio Ariguani, Departamento Magdalena, fue asesinado Afranio Martínez González, afiliado al Sindicato de Educadores del Magdalena (EDUMAG).
El 13 de septiembre, fue asesinado José Gregorio Izquierdo, en un barrio residencial del Departamento de Arauca. Era presidente del Sindicato de Trabajadores de las Empresas de Servicios Públicos de Colombia (SINTRAEMSERPA) y miembro de la Junta Departamental del Comité Permanente para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos. Había recibido amenazas por parte de los grupos paramilitares que operan en la región. Los integrantes del Comité Permanente están cobijados bajo medidas cautelares otorgadas por la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos de la OEA.
El 19 de septiembre en Medellín, Departamento de Antioquia, fue asesinado Jorge Iván Agudelo del Sindicato de Trabajadores del Departamento de Antioquia (SINTRADPTO).
Ese mismo día (19 de Septiembre) en el Departamento Bolívar, fue asesinado Alejandro Uribe. Afiliado a la Federación Agrominera del Sur de Bolívar (FEDEAGROMISBOL).
El 22 de septiembre, en Bogotá, Departamento de Cundinamarca, fue asesinado José Ignacio Amaya Ruiz, Secretario de Asuntos Sindicales de la Asociación Colombiana de Empleados Bancarios (ACEB).
El 9 de octubre, fue asesinado en la ciudad de Tulúa, Departamento del Valle del Cauca, frente a algunos de sus compañeros de trabajo, Jaime Andrés Sánchez Gutiérrez, afiliado al Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Empresa Carlos Sarmiento Ingenio San Carlos (SINTRASANCARLOS).
El 9 de octubre, en Santa Marta, Departamento Magdalena, fue asesinado John Justo Zarate Granados, afiliado al Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores del Instituto del Seguro Social. (SINTRAISS).
El 10 de octubre, fue asesinado Javier Valenzuela en San Carlos, Departamento de Nariño, afiliado al Sindicato de Base del Municipio de San Carlos Nariño.
El 11 de octubre, en el Municipio Carepa, Departamento de Antioquia, fue asesinado Jesús Marino Mosquera, afiliado al Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Industria Agropecuaria (SINTRAINAGRO) e integrante de la Comisión Obrero Patronal en Urabá – Antioquia.
El 16 de Octubre, fueron asesinados los campesinos José Mario Guerrero Garzón y Héctor Jairo Yate, ambos afiliados a La Federación Nacional Sindical Unitaria Agropecuaria (FENSUAGRO), en el área rural del Municipio de Ibagué, Departamento de Tolima. Las fuerzas militares acantonadas en el área, manifestaron que estos dos líderes campesinos murieron en combate con las fuerzas militares, versión que ha sido negada por los campesinos y por la organización sindical.
El 18 de octubre, en Riochacha, Departamento de la Guajira, fue asesinado Douglas Mejia, afiliado a la Asociación Nacional de Funcionarios y Empleados de la Rama Jurisdiccional.
El 26 de octubre, fue asesinado Jairo de Jesús Escobar Morales, en Santa Marta, Departamento de Magdalena, afiliado al Sindicato de Educadores del Magdalena (EDUMAG).
El 31 de octubre, en Bogotá, Departamento de Cundinamarca, fue asesinado Efraín Gordon Mardoqueo. Afiliado a la Asociación Nacional de Funcionarios y Empleados de la Rama Jurisdiccional (ASONAL JUDICIAL).
El 31 de octubre, fue asesinado Hugo Hernán Perafán Gómez, en el Municipio de Villavicencio, Departamento del Meta, afiliado a la Asociación Nacional de Funcionarios y Empleados de la Rama Jurisdiccional (ASONAL JUDICIAL).
El 3 de noviembre, fue asesinado Jorge Wilson Ospina Espinosa, dentro de la Casa de la Cultura del Departamento de Antioquia, afiliado al Sindicato de los Trabajadores Oficiales de los Municipios de Antioquia (SINTRAOFÁN) desde hace más de 11 años.
Ese mismo día, en Vigía del Fuerte, Departamento de Antioquia, fue asesinado Jesús Elías Perea Quejada, afiliado a la Asociación de Institutores de Antioquia (ADIDA).
El 16 de noviembre, en el Departamento de Magdalena, fue asesinado Esau Gutiérrez Gálvez, afiliado al Sindicato de Educadores del Magdalena (EDUMAG).
Ese mismo día (16 de noviembre) en Santa Marta, Departamento del Magdalena, fue asesinado Ramiro Romero Coba, afiliado al Sindicato de Educadores del Magdalena (EDUMAG).
El 18 de noviembre, fue asesinado Jorge Víctor Padilla Babilonia, en el Departamento de Córdoba, afiliado a la Asociación de Maestros de Córdoba (ADEMACOR).
El 18 de noviembre, en Cocorná, Departamento de Antioquia, fue asesinado Rodrigo de Jesús Rendon Galvis, afiliado a la Asociación de Institutores de Antioquia (ADIDA)
El 24 de noviembre, en Sabanalarga, Departamento del Atlántico, fue asesinado Carlos Hernández Llanos, afiliado a la Asociación Nacional de Trabajadores y Empleados de Hospitales, Clínicas, Consultorios y Entidades Dedicadas a la Protección de la Salud. (ANTHOC).
El 7 de diciembre, en Popayán, Departamento del Cauca, fue asesinado Víctor Alberto Espinosa Navia, afiliado a la Asociación de Institutores del Cauca.
Go to the web-site and you can read all about the other cases of attempted murders, torture, death threats, imprisonment, etc.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Luckily for him he doesn't live in Colombia
This past Monday Mary Anastasia O'Grady wrote her usual drivel about Venezuela, this time focusing on the student movement. As usual, there were plenty of distortions and outright falsehoods, but pointing them out here as long since grown tiresome so I'll leave that as a homework assignment.
But there was one paragraph that I thought was cute - the one where she focusses on the horrific violence faced by student leaders in Venezuela:
Sounds rough, getting punched in your nose. Fortunately, I myself have never had my nose broken. I did see it happen to someone at the grammar school I attended. I was so outraged by it I wrote to the United Nations Human Rights Commissioner to demand an investigation into why the school principal wasn't protecting our basic human rights. Never did hear back from them. I lost all respect for the U.N. when I realized they just didn't give a damn about human rights violations occuring on playgrounds all over the United States.
Anyways, I think Ms. O'Grady must have been confused when she wrote that average people in Venezuela are intimidated and afraid to speak out. I am sure she must have been referring to Colombia. In Venezuela people speak out all the time (just ask your average shop owner what he/she thinks about Chavez, trust me they won't hold back) and I've never heard of anything bad happening to the organizers of demonstrations (well, besides this poor guy getting punched in the nose).
Now, had this Mr. Goicoechea been speaking out against the government in Colombia he might really have something to worry about. For example, a few weeks ago large demonstrations were organized in Colombia to protest the violence by the government and paramilitary organizations. Many of the organizers recieved death threats. And Colombia being Colombia death threats are anything but idle threats. In fact, six of the organizers have already been killed Given the Colombian right wing's habit of chopping people up into small pieces and dumping them in rivers Mr. Goicoechea's nose might be all that would be left of him.
So, being a little less sarcastic and a little more serious here, in Venezuela a student leader protests against the government and gets punched in the nose. In Colombia human rights workers and union members organize protests to remember those slaughtered by the government and already half a dozen of the organizers have been murdered.
Think about it - where would YOU feel safer opposing the government and where would YOU be more likely to keep your political views to yourself?
I am sure most of us can answer those questions quite easily even if Ms. O'Grady will avoid them like the plague.
But there was one paragraph that I thought was cute - the one where she focusses on the horrific violence faced by student leaders in Venezuela:
It is perhaps a sign of Mr. Goicoechea's effectiveness that he has received "all kinds of threats" against himself and his family. Last year he and a group of students were the targets of a small explosion set off at a public forum. At the same event, an attendee who disagreed with his ideas snuck up behind him and, when he turned around, punched him in the nose. "It's not important that they broke my nose," he says, but that the incident highlights the problem of intolerance. He says that his high profile mostly protects him, but ordinary people don't enjoy such protection. For them, violence and intimidation mean they cannot express themselves.
Sounds rough, getting punched in your nose. Fortunately, I myself have never had my nose broken. I did see it happen to someone at the grammar school I attended. I was so outraged by it I wrote to the United Nations Human Rights Commissioner to demand an investigation into why the school principal wasn't protecting our basic human rights. Never did hear back from them. I lost all respect for the U.N. when I realized they just didn't give a damn about human rights violations occuring on playgrounds all over the United States.
Anyways, I think Ms. O'Grady must have been confused when she wrote that average people in Venezuela are intimidated and afraid to speak out. I am sure she must have been referring to Colombia. In Venezuela people speak out all the time (just ask your average shop owner what he/she thinks about Chavez, trust me they won't hold back) and I've never heard of anything bad happening to the organizers of demonstrations (well, besides this poor guy getting punched in the nose).
Now, had this Mr. Goicoechea been speaking out against the government in Colombia he might really have something to worry about. For example, a few weeks ago large demonstrations were organized in Colombia to protest the violence by the government and paramilitary organizations. Many of the organizers recieved death threats. And Colombia being Colombia death threats are anything but idle threats. In fact, six of the organizers have already been killed Given the Colombian right wing's habit of chopping people up into small pieces and dumping them in rivers Mr. Goicoechea's nose might be all that would be left of him.
So, being a little less sarcastic and a little more serious here, in Venezuela a student leader protests against the government and gets punched in the nose. In Colombia human rights workers and union members organize protests to remember those slaughtered by the government and already half a dozen of the organizers have been murdered.
Think about it - where would YOU feel safer opposing the government and where would YOU be more likely to keep your political views to yourself?
I am sure most of us can answer those questions quite easily even if Ms. O'Grady will avoid them like the plague.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
...and the consequences of those lies.
Over the past five years, the United States occupation has brought so much death and misery to the people of Iraq that it is hopeless to try to convey it in a blog post, even if I really understood it myself.
One tiny snapshot of what has happened was published by the Wall Street Journal:
Four million refugees in a country of 25 million is stunning. Even Colombia isn't that bad.
In fact, it is these refugees who have fled by the hundreds of thousands to other countries that is particularly damming. After all, the propogandists for the war claimed Iraq qould be made into a beacon of hope for the Middle East. If it were a beacon of hope presumabely people would want IN to Iraq, not out. Yet virtually anyone who can leaves.
That they flee to other non-democratic countries such as Syria and Jordan shows they clearly see the fake democracy of Iraq for what it is.
And more than just having a fake democracy, it is deadly too. The "higher" death toll numbers that the article alludes to are around 600,000. Between 180,000 and 600,000 dead in just five years. I don't think that Saddam, as savage as he was, ever managed to cause so much death in such a short period of time.
Be all that as it may, don't expect to hear Judith Miller, or John Burns, or Thomas Friedman, or Paul Wolfkowitz, or Richard Perle, or Johnathan Pollack, or any other of the lot apologize for it.
Their too busy coming up with the reasons why the U.S. needs to attack Iran.
One tiny snapshot of what has happened was published by the Wall Street Journal:
Iraq, 5 Years On,
A Nation of Refugees
BAGHDAD -- Five years ago, Enas Abood exulted over Saddam Hussein's overthrow from her comfortable three-story home. Her husband found a job with the U.S. military and started bringing home a handsome paycheck, along with American candy for their son.
"We started to see a light at the end of tunnel," says Ms. Abood. "But this light did not last for long."
As the fifth anniversary of the U.S. invasion approaches this Wednesday, she and her three children live in a shabby rental in a Baghdad slum. Ms. Abood often goes hungry to feed her kids and survives on handouts. Her husband, unhappy and unemployed, took off two months ago. She hasn't seen him since.
America's decision to topple Saddam Hussein has left Iraqis a people uprooted. Iraq's Ministry of Health estimates that 180,000 Iraqis have been killed; other estimates put the numbers much higher.
But far more common still is Ms. Abood's journey from middle-class prosperity to transient poverty, reflecting the life-shattering disappointment that many Iraqis now see as the legacy of the war. An estimated four million Iraqis -- over 14% of the country's population -- have been displaced inside Iraq or to neighboring countries, largely due to the chaotic aftermath of the American-led invasion that began on March 19, 2003.
Four million refugees in a country of 25 million is stunning. Even Colombia isn't that bad.
In fact, it is these refugees who have fled by the hundreds of thousands to other countries that is particularly damming. After all, the propogandists for the war claimed Iraq qould be made into a beacon of hope for the Middle East. If it were a beacon of hope presumabely people would want IN to Iraq, not out. Yet virtually anyone who can leaves.
That they flee to other non-democratic countries such as Syria and Jordan shows they clearly see the fake democracy of Iraq for what it is.
And more than just having a fake democracy, it is deadly too. The "higher" death toll numbers that the article alludes to are around 600,000. Between 180,000 and 600,000 dead in just five years. I don't think that Saddam, as savage as he was, ever managed to cause so much death in such a short period of time.
Be all that as it may, don't expect to hear Judith Miller, or John Burns, or Thomas Friedman, or Paul Wolfkowitz, or Richard Perle, or Johnathan Pollack, or any other of the lot apologize for it.
Their too busy coming up with the reasons why the U.S. needs to attack Iran.
The lies...
This week is the fifth anniversary of the United States invasion of Iraq.
As we all have long since learned, if we didn't know it to begin with, it was a invasion based on lies. Lies about what weapons Iraq possessed. Lies about the threat it posed. Lies about its links to terrorism.
Just as the Vietnam war was justified and initiated with lies so too was the war in Iraq.
Yet five years on the powers that be in the United States don't want to fess up to that - they don't want to delegitimize the war in their public's eyes. After all the morning talk shows are now full of interviews with U.S. soldiers in Iraq where the commentators tell us how these "brave" people are "fighting for us", defending "our values", and "protecting our country".
A clear example of this is the New York Times inviting some military and political "experts" to write about what lessons they have learned over the past five years and what they would do differently.
The dimwits they have writing tell us "there is no freedom gene" (to explain why Iraqis would fight someone bringing them democracy) and "so much for good intentions" (of course, the U.S. never does anything that doesn't have good intentions!!).
However, what these cheerleaders and apologists for the war write is not what is of interest. What IS noteworthy is that THEY were the ones chosen to write about this war. Without exception, they all supported the war. Many of them were regulars on TV before the war began telling us how necessary the war was and how grateful Iraqi's would be to be liberated.
So the question must be asked, why are only people who supported the war allowed to reminisce? Why aren't people who opposed the war from the beginning allowed to give their observations? Maybe, for example, Scott Ritter who was the chief weapons inspector in Iraq for years and who said before the war Iraq almost certainly didn't have any such weapons.
Of course, he was pretty much banned from the media before the war so why would it be different now? Those who were watching will remember when he was on CNN and instead of discussing how he thought that Iraq didn't have WMD the host insisted on talking about some court case about in him in home town.
Sadly, five years on the same people who brought us all the lies that led to this war are bringing still more lies and more distortions to the American public. Those who brought us the lies, falsifications and gross distortions of Judith Miller and John Burns are no more willing to allow other viewpoints to be heard now than they were then.
As the saying goes, the first casualty of war is the truth. And somehow it never seems to recover.
As we all have long since learned, if we didn't know it to begin with, it was a invasion based on lies. Lies about what weapons Iraq possessed. Lies about the threat it posed. Lies about its links to terrorism.
Just as the Vietnam war was justified and initiated with lies so too was the war in Iraq.
Yet five years on the powers that be in the United States don't want to fess up to that - they don't want to delegitimize the war in their public's eyes. After all the morning talk shows are now full of interviews with U.S. soldiers in Iraq where the commentators tell us how these "brave" people are "fighting for us", defending "our values", and "protecting our country".
A clear example of this is the New York Times inviting some military and political "experts" to write about what lessons they have learned over the past five years and what they would do differently.
The dimwits they have writing tell us "there is no freedom gene" (to explain why Iraqis would fight someone bringing them democracy) and "so much for good intentions" (of course, the U.S. never does anything that doesn't have good intentions!!).
However, what these cheerleaders and apologists for the war write is not what is of interest. What IS noteworthy is that THEY were the ones chosen to write about this war. Without exception, they all supported the war. Many of them were regulars on TV before the war began telling us how necessary the war was and how grateful Iraqi's would be to be liberated.
So the question must be asked, why are only people who supported the war allowed to reminisce? Why aren't people who opposed the war from the beginning allowed to give their observations? Maybe, for example, Scott Ritter who was the chief weapons inspector in Iraq for years and who said before the war Iraq almost certainly didn't have any such weapons.
Of course, he was pretty much banned from the media before the war so why would it be different now? Those who were watching will remember when he was on CNN and instead of discussing how he thought that Iraq didn't have WMD the host insisted on talking about some court case about in him in home town.
Sadly, five years on the same people who brought us all the lies that led to this war are bringing still more lies and more distortions to the American public. Those who brought us the lies, falsifications and gross distortions of Judith Miller and John Burns are no more willing to allow other viewpoints to be heard now than they were then.
As the saying goes, the first casualty of war is the truth. And somehow it never seems to recover.