
Friday, April 11, 2008

At least some people still don't seem to get it. 

Today is another anniversary of the coup that briefly ousted Chavez in 2002. Personally, I haven't paid much attention to it. In the intervening six years Venezuela has moved on with violence and anti-democratic means now seeming to have been spurned by all sides. Venezuela regularly holds elections with the results accepted by both sides even when THEIR side is on the losing end - can't ask for much more than that.

Hence, I think Venezuela should focus on its future and not dwell on the now resolved problems of its past.

However, all parties do need to be vigilant to avoid backsliding. The reason for that is there are clearly some people who just don't get it. Witness this editorializing from Venezuela's leading business periodical:

The peaceful wave of humanity which overflowed the MeritocraciaPlaza in Chuao, spontaneously decided to head towards the Miraflores presidential palace to ask the President to return PDVSA’s autonomy and reinstate the mangers and professionals that he had arbitrarily and illegally fired. Many among the crowd yelled: Out with Chávez!

In his arrogance, the President, who is not one to tolerate any form of dissidence, didn’t not allow the march to reach the Palace, surrounding it with National Guard units. Additionally, along the marcher’s route, ambushes were set: a sniper located on the top of a building, and gunmen placed on the Llaguno Bridge. By the end of that afternoon, 19 Venezuelans were dead and dozens wounded.

Imagine the audacity of Chavez - sending the National Guard to enforce the law and stop a march which had no permit to go to Miraflores and clearly had seditious intent!!!

What was Chavez supposed to do with the mob? Invite them in for tea?

This sort of non-sense written by such an influential and supposedly staid journal shows that while Venezuela has made much progress in recent years of which it should be proud there are still people in high places who just don't get what democracy is all about.

Its up to the rest of Venezuelan society, which does understand what democracy is about and wants political differences resolved without violence to make sure this noxious minority never again gets enough of a following to be able to inflict is violence on the rest of Venezuela.


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Memorable phrases 

From this ND thread

I cut out the fat and post the funny ones.

"We are failing, but doing well."
Teodoro Petkoff after reaching government.

"I like the music of Shakespeare"
Miss Venezuela 82

"Mi favorite peruvian dish is Machupichu!"
Miss Venezuela 82

"I like cooking old clothes"
Miss Venezuela 87. old clothes (ropavieja) is a canary/cuban dish, our national dish derives from this.

"For now..."
The most Chavez has ever said with such few words.

"Everything is excessively normal!"
Vice president JVR during the 2003 oil strike.

"Which he accepted"
Lucas Rincon Romero, stating Chavez resigned on april 11, to this day the only evidence the opposition have of the resignation, but never challenge them on the fact that this is no evidence at all.

"Marisabel, tonight I will give you yours, Remember that night in the volkswagen?"
Chavez on national TV addressing his then wife

"Civil society? with what do you eat that?"
Luis Miquelena

"Its cheap! give me two!"
Venezuela's elite shopping in Miami during the 70s

"Neither this or that, but the complete opposite"
CAP explaining his government's "third way"

"We are staring at the abyss, but we will take a step forward"
Teodoro Petkoff

"he committed autosuicide"

"President Chavez is in-pressionable."
Current defense minister.


Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Some new polls 

The govt is rebounding from what can only be described as coasting in 2007:

Perception on crime, unemployment and shortages have all improved, that and Chavez enjoys a 65% approval rating with 57% claiming they are better off today.



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