Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Posada Update XI
It seems that extradition requests are breaking out all over. The latest is that the Italians are requesting the extradition to Italy of 13 U.S. CIA agents. Why would Italy be demanding the extradition of CIA agents? Well it turns out these CIA agents kidnapped a person accused of terrorism from Italy and secretly hustled him to Egypt where he could be tortured and interrogated. Here are some of the details:
Wait, you mean the U.S. government kidnapped an alleged terrorist off the streets of another country and sent him to a third country to be tortured? I know they do even worse to Afghanistan as I have amply shown – but to a European ally of theirs? And this from a country who insists that others follow all sorts of long drawn out legal procedures before even considering extraditing anyone. Oh yes, I forgot – the U.S. is a nuclear power. I guess that means you get to do whatever you want.
Meanwhile, the Venezuelan government, which has which has jumped through all sorts of hoops in attempt to bring Posada to justice find all their paperwork and evidence gathering dust in a Washington D.C. office. What a travesty.

Italian prosecutors want to extradite 13 CIA officials accused of kidnapping a radical Muslim cleric and transporting him to Egypt where he reportedly was tortured, and they've asked Interpol to help track down the Americans, a court official said Tuesday.
The 13 are accused of seizing Osama Moustafa Hassan Nasr, known as Abu Omar, on a Milan street on Feb. 17, 2003, and sending him to Egypt, Milan prosecutor Manlio Claudio Minale said. He was taken to Aviano, a joint U.S.-Italian air base north of Venice, flown to Ramstein, another U.S. base in Germany, and then on to Egypt, according to the prosecutor's report.
Wait, you mean the U.S. government kidnapped an alleged terrorist off the streets of another country and sent him to a third country to be tortured? I know they do even worse to Afghanistan as I have amply shown – but to a European ally of theirs? And this from a country who insists that others follow all sorts of long drawn out legal procedures before even considering extraditing anyone. Oh yes, I forgot – the U.S. is a nuclear power. I guess that means you get to do whatever you want.
Meanwhile, the Venezuelan government, which has which has jumped through all sorts of hoops in attempt to bring Posada to justice find all their paperwork and evidence gathering dust in a Washington D.C. office. What a travesty.
