
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I wonder what this is about? 

These very curious advertisements have been popping up in Venezuelan newspapers recently.

This one talks about the state government of Zulia giving out land to people (without adversely effecting private property, of course). So proud of this accomplishment are they that the state of Zulia paid for this advertisement in a Caracas newspaper. Then on the bottom it has the curious statement; "Imagine everyone on this path".

In this one the state of Zulia brags about all the school lunches it has given out. So proud are they they again advertise this achievement in Caracas - hundreds of miles away from Zulia. And again we get that curious statement; "Imagine everyone on this path".

In this one the state of Zulia brags about all the free operations that have been provided by its government. And again, they are bragging to people in Caracas about what is happening in Zulia. I suppose a little regional pride never hurt anyone. But that confusing statement keeps popping up on the bottom; "Imagine everyone on this path".

It would appear Zulia is looking for more people. Obviously they want everyone else in the country to move to their great state.

That has to be what these ads are all about isn't it? I mean the only alternative explanation - that the state of Zulia which is controlled by Manuel Rosales and his allies are using government monies to further his campaign - simply can't be. The highly upright and ethical opposition would never stoop to illegally using government resources to further their political ambitions would they? Nah - they would never do that!


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