
Friday, November 10, 2006

Lies and the liars who write them 

Lies from the Venezuelan opposition tend to come fast and furious and therefore generally not worth even commenting upon. But this one was just too funny to let go by. From the opposition internet columnist we have this:

A coup d'état is in progress in Venezuela at this very moment. Hugo Chávez leads it in his double role as president and presidential candidate in the upcoming elections. This open rebellion against the constitution and the laws of the republic started several days ago, when Rafael Ramírez, the Oil Minister cum president of the State oil company, Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), addressed employees of the company to tell them that whoever was not with Chávez had to leave the company immediately. Ramírez threatened to fire anyone who dissented, in the same way that Chávez sacked 19,500 PDVSA employees in 2002 for being "enemies of the revolution."

For a moment ignore the non-sense about a coup detat in Venezuela, about Chavez having a double role as President and Presidential candidate (?!?!?) or the fiction that Rafael Ramirez said that people who weren't with Chavez had to leave the company immediately.

Just for a minute, lets focus on the last sentence: "Ramirez threatened to fire anyone who dissented, in the same way that Chávez sacked 19,500 PDVSA employees in 2002 for being "enemies of the revolution."

That is odd. I thought they got fired after they didn't show up to work for a couple of months. I thought it had something to do with them saying they wouldn't go back to work until Chavez resigned (and Rafael Ramirez too!!!). I thought they got fired, after weeks of being implored to return to work, for bringing a whole country to its knees for the high crime of electing a President that the managers of PDVSA didn't like.

Of course, Mr. Coronels assertions, like most of what he writes, are just complete non-sense and fabrications. It is perplexing though to try to understand who he thinks he is writing for. Does he think that people who manage to find his lonely editorials don't already have a sufficient knowledge of current events in Venezuela to know that the 19,000 PDVSA employees who were fired were fired not for expressing anti-Chavez views but for going on an indefinite strike with the aim of overthrowing the government? I think it unlikely that he will find people who can be that easily duped.

Then again, maybe he thinks all Americans are gullible fools. After all, he got CNN to fall for his lie that he was a former member of the Venezuelan Congress!

Screen captures courtesy Common Prejudice


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